Who We Are
Sonoma Community Animal Response Team (Sonoma CART) was started after the 2017 Sonoma Complex Fires, and is a community-led non profit organization that works in collaboration with local agencies to aid in animal evacuation, transport, sheltering and re-unification during and immediately after an emergency, accident or disaster.
Our Mission: Assist Sonoma County and local animal response agencies during an emergency or disaster, as well as provide training and education in animal disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
Our Goal: to ensure the best possible outcome and welfare for every animal in our community that is affected by a disaster.
We are taking an all-hazards and all-species approach, and invite all interested partnerships, community members and animal-loving entities. Our organization is solely volunteer-run. We would greatly appreciate your financial support for equipment, planning and operation.
We need your support!
Sonoma CART Board of Directors